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Requested translations - Creu

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Target language

Results 1 - 5 of about 5
Source language
Arabic La Illah Illallah, Mohammed rasul...
La Illah Illallah, Mohammed rasul Allah.
I'm not sure if it's arabic, but I think it is. It's from the song Seif Al Din, from Epica.
Here is a link to the song lyrics --> I don't know nothing about that language, and that is why I'm not if it is really arabic.

Completed translations
English There is no God but Allah, Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Brazilian Portuguese Eu fico encantada com suas atitudes tão doces.
Eu fico encantada com suas atitudes tão doces.

Completed translations
English I'm delighted...
Source language
Latin Et fictum fit factum Ne timeas obscurum Id...
Et fictum fit factum

Ne timeas obscurum
Id autem cognoscas

Ne timeas obscurum
Primum id cognosce
Deinde iudica
Post iudicandum demum age
This text is from a song called Fools of Damnation, by the dutch band Epica. If possible, I'd like it on British/U.S. english.
Here is the link to the song lyrics.

Completed translations
English And fiction becomes a fact